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Tips for Dealing With Your Partner’s ED

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Tips for Dealing With Your Partner’s ED

Millions of men experience erectile dysfunction in some form or another. Regardless of age, ethnicity or physical condition, this issue can affect men from all walks of life. The good news is, there are plenty of helpful resources to alleviate the stress and uncertainty associated with this taboo topic.

Do Your Own Research

Knowledge is power, so don’t shy away from doing your own research. Learning more about erectile dysfunction, the various risk factors, and diseases that can cause it are vital ways to support your partner. It can help relieve some of your own stress and anxiety surrounding the subject and give you a chance to see what your partner might be feeling and experiencing. Offering support from a place of understanding will demonstrate that erectile dysfunction is an issue that won’t damage your relationship, and that you are invested in seeking out solutions together, as a team.

Don’t Take It Personally

You might feel the temptation to place the blame on yourself, but you shouldn’t. There are any number of physical, medical and mental factors that can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is not a reflection of attractiveness or desire. In fact, it’s usually quite the opposite. If you find your self-esteem or well-being is impacted, consider sharing these concerns with your partner or a therapist. Keeping an open line of communication will ensure that everyone’s feelings and thoughts are heard and respected.

Be Supportive

Depending on your relationship, you may choose to vocalize your support or you and your partner might feel more comfortable with non-verbal gestures that communicate affection. Ensure that your support is offered without judgement or expressions of negativity. If you do feel this issue is a potential source of conflict you may wish engage the help of a couple’s counselor or a sex therapist to help you work through those emotions without negatively affecting your partner.

If you are struggling to cope with your partner’s erectile dysfunction, know that you are not alone, and there are many other couples who have successfully managed the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and gone on to have healthy sex lives.

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